The Lutheran Church is a Christian Church which believes in and worships the Triune God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, through which he reveals himself to us, calls us to follow and serve him, and gives us the good news of forgiveness through Jesus.
As a Christian school we see every person involved in our community as someone who has been created by God, is loved and valued by him, has been given gifts and talents to discover and develop, and who lives in his love and forgiveness each day.
A core part of what we do as a school is based around these beliefs, including our pastoral care and worship programs.
The Lutheran Church of Australia has a rich history in education. Since the first Lutheran school opened in 1839, Lutheran schools have grown considerably. Today over 38,000 students receive their education in 86 Lutheran schools throughout Australia, located in all states and territories (excluding the ACT). In addition, close to 4,000 children are educated and cared for in 52 Lutheran early childhood centres around the nation.
Benefits of Lutheran education
- Lutherans have operated schools in Australia since 1839.
- Students in Lutheran schools are seen as unique people created by God.
- The core values of love, justice, compassion, forgiveness, service, humility, courage, hope, quality and appreciation are taught and
- Schools strive to provide an education of excellence.
For more information on what we believe and do as Lutherans, please visit the Lutheran Church of Australia website.
Alternatively, visit the Lutheran Education Australia website to learn more about the Lutheran Education here in Australia.