College Feedback
Community Affirmation
Your feedback provides us with opportunities to recognise the efforts and quality work of our staff and for us to continuously improve the learning experiences we provide for our students.
You can lodge a Community Affirmation by clicking here.
Community Concern
Good Shepherd Lutheran College is committed to working with parents, carers and students in partnership to form a strong and vibrant community.
We recognise that sometimes things go wrong and you may feel that expectations are not being met. If you have an unresolved issue or a concern, please raise it with us so it can be addressed in an expedient manner. It is important for us that we work together, talk, listen and find solutions with members of our community so that we can improve the way we do things.
The following information will help you through the steps to lodge a concern.
Types of concerns
You may choose to communicate with us if you believe that the College has:
- Done something wrong
- Failed to do something we should have done
- Acted unfairly or impolitely
You may be concerned about:
- The type, level or quality of services
- The behaviour and decisions of staff
- A policy, procedure or practice
Concerns may be about something we have to do because of legal obligations. In such cases we will talk to you and help you understand the requirements and why they exist.
You can lodge a Community Concern by clicking here.
This form will ask you a series of questions that will identify the nature of your concern.
Once your concern is lodged, the College will attempt to resolve it with you as quickly and professionally as possible, according to our policy and procedures.
Some requests for action may be dealt with immediately by staff but should there be any doubt in relation to this matters will be deferred to the Senior Leadership Team or the appropriate Line Manager/Coordinator.
We will treat any concern with respect and sensitivity. However please do not assume that your communications with us, or any documents you may supply to us, will necessarily be kept confidential. Although we endeavour to deal with concerns with appropriate discretion, we reserve our right to disclose details of the matter to other persons who in our opinion need to know them, in order to facilitate the resolution of a concern.
When dealing with concerns, we will endeavour to:
- Listen
- Acknowledge
- Avoid immediate judgments
- Avoid debate in early stages of the discussion
When dealing with the specific elements of a concern, we will endeavour to:
- Determine the nature of your concern
- Clarify the specific details of your concern
- Determine what you want to achieve in terms of resolution
When following up Community Concerns to achieve resolution, we will:
- Further investigate / research where necessary
- Determine the appropriate path and key personnel to handle your concern
- Set boundaries on the investigation and a timeline for responses
As much as possible, we will endeavour to:
- Meet timelines (or inform about delays)
- Provide reasons for decisions
- Allow a fair hearing
- Respond in accordance with the merits of the concern, along with the Christian ethos / values of the College and / or on legislation and / or legal advice
Monitoring and follow-up
We will also follow-up (for example on student behaviour issues) to determine if the action taken because of a concern being raised is an effective outcome).
Complaints Policy
We recognise that sometimes things go wrong and you may feel that expectations are not being met. If you have an unresolved issue or a concern, please raise it with us so it can be addressed in an expedient manner. It is important for us that we work together, talk, listen and find solutions with members of our community so that we can improve the way we do things.